Newman and I (Trish) got married almost a year ago, April 30, 2011. We have been living in Charleston, SC where I am from originally and where Newman's family has now over the past few years put down roots. We both have wonderful, large, supportive, and loving families with whom we are very close to. We have been richly blessed in that aspect as well as many others, and as Luke 12:48 states, "...When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." I have felt this verse ringing in my ears over the past year and so has my husband as we have begun to realize that the rest of the world is not as fortunate as we are, and it is our duty and obligation to share what we have. Much is expected of those who have been given much. I do not say this in terms of finances, although that is VERY important, but also in terms of time, energy, resources, love, education, etc... If anyone has any of those things in abundance, they are to share that with those who do not. As our eyes began to be opened to the extreme needs of the world outside of our comfortable "bubble," we began to feel a strong tug on our heart to do something.
A few years ago, Newman had several experiences traveling to southern and central Africa for various reasons, but he came back changed and with a heart for Africa. After hearing his stories and how these experiences affected him, I wanted to see if I too would have the same feelings for this special part of the world. I was in nursing school over the past year and a half and there was an opportunity for me to put my skills to use in Uganda with a group called Palmetto Medical Initiative (PMI). I went with them to Uganda in August, 2011 for almost 2 weeks, and it was then that my eyes were truly opened and I too had a heart for this place. After returning home, it took me a while to realize how much the trip had changed me, but I began to realize that I did not think the same way any more. I did not feel the need for as much STUFF in my life. Newman and I did not know how we could serve these people or any other people in need for that matter, but we just decided to start praying for direction, and we prayed the scary and exciting prayer for God to send us where he'd have us go. I say scary because I knew that if we were totally sincere and prayed that we would be willing to do His work, he would take that and run with it. Boy did He. It was not long after that when Newman called me up one day and hesitantly described what could be an opportunity for us to move to Uganda for a couple of years. He did not know what my reaction would be and I surprised even myself when I said, "yes absolutely, why not, what's keeping us from saying yes? " So, long story short, we went through the motions of interviews and meetings, and were eventually selected to be the ones to see this project in Uganda through to completion. We will be replacing an AMAZING couple, Michael and Amanda O'Neal, who have been doing basically what we will be doing for the past 2 years. There will be some slight differences as far as our roles go and our goals for the project, but we are so excited to follow in the footsteps of some amazing people.
So, that is basically in a not so short nutshell, what we are doing with our lives at the moment. We are currently packing up our house, getting rid of a lot of our possessions, and getting ready to move in mid April. I hope to post weekly updates once we are in Uganda, and I will also be making occasional videos. So please follow along, and I hope that by doing this everyone will consider what could God be calling you to do, and what keeps you from doing it. Some cliches or sayings or words of advice I guess that have helped me make these decisions as they have come along that I would like to leave you with are:
You only live once so live right
You will always find a reason Not to (meaning not to do what you feel you are being called to do, so don't listen to those excuses)
You can't take it with you when you die. (meaning your treasure or your possessions. So don't live your life storing up riches on earth.)

Hi guys!
ReplyDeleteJust checked out the new blog and can't wait to hear more! Praying for you on this amazing journey, especially today as you set out. May God bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and give you peace! Godspeed!
Julie Kunes